Younger Employees


How I Landed 15 Job Interviews in 30 Minutes

{Click here to read the original article on}

At 20, I was gaining valuable experience and building my portfolio, which was going well until my father said “No more unpaid internships.”

In other words, I needed a job – and fast. Read more


3 Ways to Make Your Résumé More Recruiter-Friendly

{Click here to read the original article on The Muse.}

When you’re writing your résumé or working on your LinkedIn profile, we bet you’ve wished you could get into hiring managers’ heads. What are they really looking for? How can you make your resume catch their eyes? Read more


Employers Care About More Than Competence

{Click here to read the original article on The Wise Job Search.}

There have been multiple articles written in recent years about how younger job seekers too often act very poorly in the networking, interviewing, and hiring process.

There are ample stories of…

  • Taking phone calls during an interview
  • Speaking far too casually with the interviewer
  • Texting during a meeting
  • Read more