{Click here to read the original article on Careerrocketeer.}
Boosting your findability and presence on LinkedIn has never been more important in your job search.
After all, you can build your Profile, but unless it’s keyword-optimized to draw traffic, it will be the proverbial tree falling in the forest (with no one to witness your great skills).
To get interest from employers, your Profile MUST contain sufficient skills and terms that employers use in search queries. Read more
{Click here to read the original article on TheMuse.com.}
You’re smart, effervescent, and frankly so darned funny that people gravitate toward you on humor alone.
Why, then, does your LinkedIn summary read like something out of Professor’s Crabapple’s dry, outdated textbook from that Career Prep 101 class you once took? Read more
{Click here to read the original article on Real Simple.}
Protect Your Reputation
You probably know all the ways social media can help you professionally. You can demonstrate your expertise on a topic using Twitter, network your way to a new job using LinkedIn, and keep old connections fresh on Facebook.
But social media can also have a darker side. Read more