Resume Writing Tips


Why a Great Resume is Your First Step to a Successful Job Interview

{Click here to read the original article on Careerrocketeer.}

Job search in the new millennium is different and difficult for many job seekers, especially Men & Women of A Certain Age, professionals who are used to being recruited, people at all levels in all professions who have not been involved in a job search or updated and modernized their résumé for at least the past 3-5 years, and especially for those who are still social media challenged.

Whereas it is true employers do not hire a résumé, the vast majority of job seekers are totally unaware of the behind-the-scenes influence a professional or amateur looking résumé has on candidate selection and the subliminal impact it has in an interview. Read more


DIY Resume Writing Advice

{Click here to read the original article on Careerrocketeer.}

The following is some insider insights on how to create a solid DIY résumé. That is, if you’re brave enough to undertake the task on your own, knowing full well the consequences if in the end your résumé turns out to be a faux 2 carat Cubic Zirconia instead of the brilliant 2 carat diamond you hoped it would be. Read more


Beat the Robots: How to Get Your Resume Past the System & Into Human Hands

{Click here to read the original article on The Muse.}

Landing an interview for a position in a giant organization can feel impossible if you don’t have any personal connections. People often blame the sheer volume of resumes that are submitted – HR simply can’t review them all with enough detail to see what a perfect candidate you are!

And this is partially true – one study suggests that recruiters spend only six seconds looking at each resume. However, many resumes are trashed before they’re even seen by human eyes. How is that possible? Read more


Marty’s Cover Letter Do’s & Don’ts

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